Apr 5, 2023Liked by Loudt Darrow

The Law of Unintended Consequences is a bitch! As usual, you shot a bullseye on concept and execution.

Also ... I just started (like, an hour ago) a new Medium pub called Brain Labs (https://medium.com/brain-labs). You are the exact kind of writer I want to publish. Check it out and let me know if you're interested. Happy to re-publish content you have posted here or elsewhere.

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Hope your Python script likes spotting filler words cause here I go 🕺

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Wow wow wow. Don’t come stealing the two articles Loudt gave to my publication out of charity.

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I'll never have as much success as I did in The Pub

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You’re welcome there any time 😁

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Loudt Darrow

This style is of writing for me a little exhausting. It's like the author is trying a bit too hard to be cool and funny, with an overload of wittyisms and pop references. It detracts from the seriousness of the topic and brings into question the quality of the analysis. Just my 2c.

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Who said that about life being too important to be taken seriously?

(Probably Oscar Wilde. That man had a wisecrack for an ass crack).

But anyway. Now that I've spent a bit of time away from the piece I can kinda see why it feels exhausting. Thank you kind sir, your feedback will be taken extremely seriously 🙏

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Loudt Darrow

I think I better get coding! :-)

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I gave a like and a comment to charity today.

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Hope they're tax deductible 🖤

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One problem I have with "charities" is that a non profit really just means they need to pay their employees bonus' at the end of the year. I don't believe they are "bad" per say but I do believe that someone who gets comfortable helping others with rich peoples money will eventually feel like they deserve more for all the good they are doing. In my book, id rather just give random $100 tips to good people in encounter randomly, or spontaneously give people cash infusions anonymously when I hear that they are doing something that helps humanity. I agree with your assessment though. When I lived in India I had to buy daily bread and milk, which meant I walked passed a homeless man every day. That meant it was always front and center in my mind and so naturally we gave more often to someone in need. Now that I live in the suburbs, homelessness is out of sight out of mind. I'd much rather give money to someone who is giving it to family in another country. By the way when I lived in India I remarked at how it was bad to exploit cheep labor and they argued with me. Much as you mentioned, they said giving someone a job gives them dignity and money. It certainly changed my perspective to think about it more from their perspective. What sickens me is when people lean on foreign workers like apple locking them in the factory a few years ago. We should not feel bad about cheep labor, we should feel bad about removing liberties. Thank you for your thoughts. I didn't think I would agree with you but you struck a good balance.

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